Three Springs Borough News
Three Springs Military Tribute Banners
04/12/2023 by
We are NOT currently accepting applications for our Military Tribute Banners.
- Banners will be displayed on Hudson Street & Church Street within the borough limits. Banner spaces are limited, therefore, Three Springs Borough residents will be considered before nonresidents.
- The 20" X 40" banner will be color printed on both sides.
- Photo release: I hereby grant Three Springs Borough permission to use the attached photo in the 2023-Three Springs Military Tribute Banner Program and for promotional use. I assume all responsibilty for providing true, accurate, and correct information regarding the verteran being honored.
- Mail application, photo, and check (payable to: Three Springs Borough/Memo banners) to: Three Springs Borough, PO Box 361, Three Springs, PA 17264
- Application must be received by Currently not taking new applications.
Application to print: